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Simple divorce service

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Divorce - how we can help

Many couples agree that their marriage is at an end, even if they don’t agree the reasons for this.  If you both agree that your legal contract of marriage should end with divorce, agree the grounds and who is to pay for the divorce, you need the simple divorce service.  

Our fee is from £395.00 plus VAT but please be aware that there are Court fees of £410.00 which you will need to pay. You may claim that you want to be reimbursed these costs if you feel it is your husband/wife's/partner's fault that your marriage or partnership has broken down.

If you have children you need to settle any residence or contact disputes because the Court will want to be satisfied with any arrangements you have made regarding your children are satisfactory.

If you are responding to a divorce or civil partnership dissolution and want to be divorced or for your civil partnership to be dissolved,  our fee is £395 plus VAT and any necessary disbursements.

The Divorce-Rights online service is owned and managed by Leeds based Winston Solicitors (UK) Limited.

Contact us today to discuss how our services can help you and your family.


Please note: We can discuss your case initially without charge and will provide an overview of how our service may be able to help you. If we cannot help you directly, we may be able to provide some very useful guidance about your situation or send you one of our specialist information brochures.

Call our helpline or make a written enquiry by using the contact form on the left of the page.